Ask anyone in my family and they will tell you that I did not inherit a green thumb. My Mom can grow anything and grow it well. African violets are her specialty. I have finally convinced her not to share African violets with me as it is a death sentence for the poor defenseless plants. My Mom's plants love her. I have decided that it really is love as opposed to the correct amount of light, food, and water because I can provide those things and my plants still would rather commit hari-cari than bloom for me. Well, not this year! I have "lovingly" cared for my outdoor flowers this year (in pots of course, I cannot grow things in the actual ground!). They all started out as hanging baskets but I actually re-potted them when they got too big as opposed to sending them out to the street on Monday or Thursday (and you know what I mean by that).
Mom and Mimi, these plants are for you!