Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coming Home!

Well, we did it.  We bought the kid a plane ticket to come home to visit!  She will be here over Valentine’s Day weekend.  I’m sure we will all be feeling the love

This is not just her first home visit but the completion of an enormous amount of work on her part.  Her therapist (and her parents) decided that she needed a little more motivation to move along in the program so we made the home visit dependant on achieving the next two phases.  She was pretty close to one of them, which she got last week,  but will only have three weeks to get the next one.  This involves some rather large and fairly emotionally taxing projects.  She was frustrated at first but when she realized we were really not going to back down she got busy.  She has become confident enough in herself to tell us to buy the ticket, even with the condition that she would have to pay us back any change fees if she doesn’t make it.

Come home and get warm, Sweetie!


  For those who are wondering what I mean by “phases” please visit the Solstice website page that explains it all in more detail.  Sierra will be in “Transformation” when she comes for her visit.  Please read about this phase of the program.  You will be amazed at the progress she has made.  I am so proud of her.

Click here:


Me said...

WoW!! I did not realize everything. What a wonderful program and what a dynamic steps she is taking towards becoming an adult! I add my voice to your families to congratulate her on her accomplishments! WHAT A GREAT JOB SIERRA!!
I wish my sister-in-law had had this chance. What a divine program!! You can do it Sierra!!

Gary and Shelice Murphy said...

I've found the hardest work it that that takes place on the inside. You all have our love, support and we're cheering for you...WAY to GO...all of you! We love you Sierra!