Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Maverick For Hope and Change!

I know you have all been holding your breath waiting for my endorsement of a presidential candidate so that you will all know who to vote for next week. Well, after much research and pondering of the issues I present to you my pick for the next four years.........

Campaign slogan:

"Why Not?"



I'd vote for Kendall!

I'm dying for your great New York trip post...

Me said...

I would so vote for Kendall! Besides having some slick ball moves WHILE wearing a suit & tie, his straight forward honesty would be such a breath of fresh air in D.C. Not only would it be nice to have someone with values, able to think for himself and has a respectable family! Yeah, I'd vote for him. Where do I send my campaign contribution?! If not President, he can be Mitt's choice for V.P. in 2012!! Great idea Kim!