Thursday, October 16, 2008

Are These Really The Only Choices We Have?


The Harper Family said...


That's awesome!

The Simon Family said...

Hi Kim! LOVE your blog!!!

Yes, unfortunately America let the most qualified get away during the Primary. Hopefully Romney will run again in 4 years where he'll have to fix the mess as he did w/the 2002 Winter Olympics.

The Simon Family said...

OH! Forgot to mention that we have a blog too! It's private so you'll need to sign in to see it. If you could send me your e-mail to simon dot clan at yahoo dot com I can send you the link. :) What a great way to keep in touch with the Ence family. We miss y'all!!

Me said...

YEAH! Isn't America great?! What must our founding fathers be thinking right now? Not to mention the Lord! He must be saying "I gave them the BoM just for this reason alone! Why can't they just use their brains?!"