Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So, I re-read the Twilight series a couple of months ago and then moved on to Harry Potter again. I am almost through the 7th book and I have something to say. If I must have a crush on a fictional 17 year old boy, my heart belongs to Harry.

Now, on how many levels is this post disturbing? Not just because of my admission but because how many of you are now screaming at your computer at me that Edward is the sweetest, hottest, most romantic and otherwise perfect fictional 17 year old boy and have I lost my mind? Um, maybe collectively we all have. Now, go kiss your very real husband and tell him you love him. Put down the book first though or he won't believe you!


The Crew said...

I am with you on this one, I mean come on, it's a no brainer, become a bloodsucking vampire because there is no avoiding that one or join the magical world that helps you clean up the house and you can always fly away on a broom or apparate if it is really bad! Done!

Me said...

Your so cute! I still like Edward more. But at least they are positive role models for youth today to turn to, just in a different sorta way.

The Harper Family said...

I love it!

And I am's so hard to choose!!

I'd probably have to agree with you though...Harry has that magic! :)