Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Milestone Day

This was the scene at our house around noon today. A happy and a sad day. I'm happy for Belinda and very proud of her. At the same time it means my baby is growing up and I no longer have a car. I'm not completely sure how I feel about either one of those things. By the way, Belinda is not crying tears of joy in the first photo, her allergies are just really bad today!

Go dear daughter. Go forth and be successful in all that you do. Go be with your friends. Go work and serve. Go pick up your sister from school. Go get a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk. Go take the dog to the vet. Wait, this really could be a good thing!



Love this post! Very funny and very true.

Nanabee said...

Congratulations to everybody involved. I would say how I feel except that I just really, truly, can't believe it's happened!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it isn't it just so true!? Congratulations on raising a daughter you can trust behind the wheel!

And congratulations to Belinda! It's not easy to grow up!

The Simon Family said...

Bitter sweet indeed. I'll be experiencing this same thing soon enough!

Me said...

Return with Honor & Congratulations Belinda!!
Kim, you are a wonderful mom to be so positive about this! I would be a bad case of nerves. Not just because they are driving, but they are that much closer to being grown up! I swear I thought that was an illusion, aren't they supposed to be little forever??!!

The Harper Family said...


My chirren will be ready for you to babysit any time. :) Hee!!

Yay Belinda!