Sunday, November 29, 2009


Thanks to everyone who has been asking about the kid.  We had a great visit with her the first week of November.  It was our first Parent Seminar Weekend and it was H-A-R-D!  But, that’s how we make progress so it’s totally worth it.  (That’s what they tell me anyway, check back in a year or two for an update on that!)  I’ve been a so-so blogger of late but I’ll get back to it soon.  In the meantime please follow this link to a video from the talent show that Sierra and her friends at Solstice put on for the parents that weekend.  Life in a residential treatment center………

Solstice RTC Girls Talent Show November 2009


Sierra and Baylee at Temple Square in Salt Lake City

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Friday, November 13, 2009

I got a new toy!

It’s my first real, non-kit camera lens since the “accident”.  Though I must defend my 28-135 kit lens.  It’s been awesome and I will still use it.  But, the new one came this afternoon and I think it is going to change my life!  Okay, maybe not, but I’m really excited about the possibilities.  It’s really nice glass that I got for a really nice price from the used department at B&H.  I’ve been saving my pennies and watching the used dept. for this lens for a while and it finally showed up.  And, it’s not even used, just a return that never even got opened.  Sweet!  Anyway, I’ll be using it for a couple of shoots tomorrow after I spend all morning practicing with it.  So, watch my 1000 Words blog for the results.  I’m pretty sure I will not be sending it back.