Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dinosaur Booties in the Hallway

This morning after a long night with constant visitors to our bed, Kendall related a very funny story. One of the times that he took Brantley back to her own bed he left the room and turned off the lamp on his way out. Brantley started to cry and when Kendall asked her what was wrong she said "I need the light on Dad. When it's off I see dinosaur booties in the hallway." Kendall asked her if she ever saw the whole dino but she assured him it was only their booties (read bums). She was mostly asleep during this conversation so I asked her this afternoon to confirm. I was told that she does indeed see dinosaur booties in the hallway. Not their tails though because they are sitting on them. She is not afraid of them while they are sitting down but she wants the light on so that she can make sure they haven't moved. Smart girl. I'd want to keep an eye on them too.

When I have nightmares about dinosaurs this is what I see:
Truly frightening!